7 Highest Paying Associate Degrees

For many students, the dream of getting a degree is in an effort to achieve financial and career success. Many people assume that getting a bachelor’s degree is the only way to have a lucrative career, but some jobs that only require an associate degree are just as financially beneficial. In fact, the average salary of an associate degree holder is $45,000. Additionally, getting an associate degree typically takes only two years to receive and costs less than getting a four-year bachelor degree. So, if you’re considering getting an education, check out these high paying associate degrees.

  • Radiation Therapy

Those who work in radiation therapy administer radiation treatment by using radiation machinery to medical patients. Radiation therapists usually have an associate degree in radiation therapy. Students in this program often take classes in subjects such as anatomy and physiology. 

Average salary: $85,560

  • Dental Hygiene

Dental hygienists assist dentists in the care of dental patients, typically having an associate of science in dental hygiene. Associate programs in dental hygiene usually take 3 years to complete.

Average salary: $77, 810

  • Web development

Web development is the process of designing, creating, maintaining, and implementing websites. An associates degree in web development is required for this type of career. Some students are required to complete an internship in web development as well before obtaining their degree. 

Average salary: $78,300

  • Electrical engineering

Professionals in electrical engineering use their skills to design and maintain electrical equipment for a variety of uses, such as medical and communication devices. Electrical engineers must have at least an associate degree in engineering.

Average salary: $73,474

  • Radiology technology

Radiology technologists, also known as radiographers, use MRI and x-ray equipment to assist in the diagnosis and medical care of patients. Students studying radiologic technology take traditional classes as well as clinical classes.

Average salary: $61,980

  • Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy assistants aid in the recovery of occupational therapy patients. Students in associate programs for occupational therapy usually have to take clinical classes as a requirement for graduation, and some must pass the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy exam.

Average salary: $61,520

  • Paralegal

Paralegals assist lawyers and attorneys during court trials by speaking with clients, organizing files, and doing research. Paralegals often have an associate degree in criminal justice.

Average salary: $56,280