Student Resources

7 Highest Paying Associate Degrees

For many students, the dream of getting a degree is in an effort to achieve financial and career success. Many people assume that getting a bachelor’s degree is the only way to have a lucrative career, but some jobs that only require an associate degree are just as financially beneficial. In fact, the average salary […]

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How to Get a Career in IT

Having a career in information technology (IT) allows you to use your skills to help people, problem solve, and work with computer software and technology. It’s a great field to get into if you’re looking for a hands-on, high paying career that is expected to grow in the next several years (by 21%, according to […]

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5 High Paying Careers in Accounting

Among the financial career fields, accounting is one of the most lucrative. There are a variety of different careers you can get in accounting, utilizing several specific skill sets and requiring different levels of education. If you’re considering going back to college, consider studying account to be qualified for these high-paying careers: Certified Public Accountant […]

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Starting College at 25: Tips for Success

Going to college can be an intimidating experience, regardless of age. However, starting college at 25 or older can feel a lot different than starting as an 18 year old. It’s normal to feel this way, but don’t discourage yourself. No age is “too late” to go to college. Additionally, there are plenty of reasons […]

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5 Benefits of Earning Your Degree Online

More people today than ever are choosing to earn their degree fully online–from bachelor’s degrees to masters degrees. Online learning has been an option for students for a number of years, but the convenience of online learning appeals to more and more students. Online learning is especially attractive to working adult students who have families […]

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How to Go Back to College After Taking a Break

Returning to college after taking a break from school can be an exciting thing. However, it can also be a nerve wracking experience, especially if you’re maintaining a full-time job and other life responsibilities. The good news is that today more than ever, universities are equipped to prepare and graduate non-traditional students. Going to school […]

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